15 May 2023
Workshop – Idrogeno e normazione tecnica
Workshop organizzato da UNI - La normazione tecnica per l’impiego dell’idrogeno: stato dell’arte e prospettive future, giovedì 18 maggio, Quartiere Fieristico di Piacenza Expo.
15 March 2023
3rd e-SHyIPS general assemby in Seville
The 3rd e-SHyIPS General Assembly took place, from 22nd to 24th of February 2023.
15 March 2023
RH2EC 2023, Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Arianna Bionda, from Politecnico di Milano, will held a keynote speech at Renewable Energy
9 February 2023
Presentation of e-SHyIPS project at Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Seminar
7-9 February, 2023 - Long Beach, California
15 November 2022
The first e-SHyIPS workshop will be held on November 29th
The first e-SHyIPS workshop will be held on November 29 th , online.
15 November 2022
The third edition of the European Hydrogen Week
The third edition of the European Hydrogen Week took place from 24 October to 28 October 2022